The support project for the management of communal forests – phase II (PAGEFCOM-II) covers the departments of Atlantique, Zou, Collines du Borgou, and Donga. Three (03) of these departments, namely, Atlantic, Zou and Collines, have already benefited from the support of phase I of the program. The other two departments (Borgou and Donga) which border these departments and together make up Benin’s green core are characterized by the transitional situation between the arid and humid zones of the country and thus the fragility of their ecosystems. Phase I was unable to reach all the green core, due to constraints in terms of available resources. Phase II, the present project, should make it possible to consolidate the project’s achievements in terms of forest cover and management infrastructure, as well as to complete the stabilization of forest ecosystems in Benin. The project will be implemented over a five-year period through the following four components: (i) promotion of green economy value chains; (ii) sustainable management of natural resources; (iii) support for adaptation to climate change; and (iv) project management; with the objective of contributing to the improvement of food and nutritional security and the reduction of poverty among the population, through the valuation and rational management of natural resources.