The Cotonou rainwater sanitation program, initiated by the Benin Government, acts as a complements to already existing asphalting and household waste management modernization programs in Grand-Nokoué. The Cotonou Rainwater Sanitation Program Support Project (PAPC) is the AfDB’s contribution to the implementation of this program. The overall program, which is part of the city’s stormwater drainage master plan, is scheduled to be implemented over a period of 6 years, 4 of which are financed by the Bank. The PAPCO covers the 6th and 10th districts of Cotonou with the objective of reducing the vulnerability of the population to flooding, promoting the construction of socio-economic infrastructures, and launching the economic and social development of Benin. The ultimate goal of the program is to limit flooding, ensure better water drainage, raise awareness among the local population, and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of disadvantaged areas.